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Orchard Infant School

Ofsted Report Department of Education

Organisation for Learning 

Our Orchard Infant School curriculum educates children in the richness of their past, the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future. We believe that learning is:     Limitless     For life    Rewarding    

Our unique curriculum is designed to be purposeful, motivating, engaging and inspiring to ensure every child embraces truly memorable learning experiences throughout their time with us. It also considers skills children will need in their future lives and is centred around our local and wider community context. The curriculum is the culmination of the planned experience that we have on offer for our children, that introduces them to the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will prepare them for their future education, for life and for living. 



What makes our curriculum dynamic is its integration. Learning crosses boundaries between subjects so that for a young child, learning is not compartmentalised. For example, Reading and writing are used in History to help us understand, at a deeper level, the event we are learning about and art work helps us to observe more closely, the historical details of the period. Whilst we plan in subjects, maintaining the rigour and the integrity of the subject, we connect learning so that learning in one domain is supported by learning in another.






A project is a unit of integrated learning. Each project has three subjects which are developed within it, but it is led by one of the subjects. All projects have English reading and Writing as a central driver within each of the projects. 






Learning is at the heart of our curriculum and the beginning of children’s journey into education that opens up a yet unknown world. We want learning to be exciting, engaging, motivating and forever remembered. The engaged learner actively processes and practices this new learning, has time to consolidate, test out ideas, interacting with others to further refine and shape, before securing learning so that it can be used and applied in other subjects and situations. We value knowledge and skills in a constant interaction with each other. 




A project is started with a motivator, which draws children into the learning, ignites their curiosity and gives a purpose to the learning and the outcome. The project will culminate in an outcome – a special event which showcases the learning. Each outcome has an audience and the children are required to share their learning by explaining, demonstrating and teaching others. Outcome events take place in school time and parents / carers are the main audience. These outcomes enable parents / carers to take part in the learning as well as getting a first-hand view of what is involved in the learning.  









Alongside the integration of learning, we recognise the importance of basic skills – the building blocks of learning: reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and mathematical processes and skills. Children need constant repetition, practice and over-learning to secure these skills. We will always teach discretely, giving them prominence of place and allocating the necessary time for learners to become proficient, competent and confident.